Glad I'm not this kid.
LOLCat Bible Translation Project Should I be ashamed that I love this? Nah.
ThinkGeek: Wi-Fi Detector Shirt You know I love textiles which light up, right? RIGHT? Yeah. And this one is INTERACTIVE, W00T YEAH. Pretty and practical, all sorts of neato.
Violent Acres: I'm Tired of Bulimia Being the New Black I agree completely.
Times Online: The day the music industry died None of this is a big surprise, although I find it interesting that CDs are now considered exclusively for free PR at this point, solely meant to promote a concert. Interesting business approach. Feedback profile for tryork5ifp Who IS this guy, and why are people writing these sorts of comments? Very intriguing indeed. The ten worst presentation moments Cringingly hilarious. Piero Fornasetti created useful objets of staggering beauty. The guy oozed wit, whimsy, and beauty the way the rest of us breathe.
guy gets arrested for feeding the homeless What a crock. I can't believe Orlando, Florida is this...ecchh.
Mango Beta Learn a new language online! My friend Paul swears by this.
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