Saturday, April 19, 2008

Egad! They went thataway.

Man, I sure love this whole trip down Memory Lane I've been taking over the past day or so; I've done some rotten writing and drawing, but I've also done some fun stuff, too. (Well, fun for me, anyway.)

What is the Astridica aesthetic, exactly? Perhaps this several-years-old list I found in my collection today, dusted off and slightly amended just now, may help clarify things:

- Top hats (better if worn by female, best if female is below age of 13)

- Summer rainstorms (best if noisy)

- Urns

- Tureens

- Bellows, pokers, other assorted fireplace paraphernalia

- Obsessive penmanship

- Boating parties, if somebody remembers a ukulele

- Seances

- Extreme croquet

- Player pianos with rainbow-colored keys

- Beanies with propellers

- The word "knickerbocker," but not actual knickerbockers

- Antimacassars

- Fezzes

- Handlebar mustachios

- Turbans

- Tandem bicycles

- Nickelodeons

- Decoupage

- Parrots who play chess better than you

- Monocles

- Large, hand-held fans

- Feather boas in unseemly colors

- Seamstress dummy torsos

- Hundreds of Chinese lanterns crammed into a tiny space

- Typewriters, pre-1950s, used as planters

Yes, it's official: I am the walking version of a Bennigan's wall. I may be the clichéd version of kooky, but it keeps me amused. ::curtsies::

1 comment:

  1. Add a "Cheese It!" drawing, and I'd say you've got a trifecta of goodness.
